Sunday 24 November 2019


Oh yeah, and after that it's exam season until February…: Tell me more to reduce loading time and why not turn my map into an awesome one. Then simply reverse the steps do the opposite and the crashes will stop. You had no permission to use it. This question is now irrelevant as he kindly provided me an unprotected version of the map. There are many unsused or useless units even skills i dont mind if i cannot delete them. Removed website was mine; 3ice. warcraft xdep

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BTW, several days ago new patch came out, does it do something, i mean that helps somehow with the patching maps?

List of WC3 tools

What's wrong with the triggers. I did it with all except 2 options checked, but the default xdel are good too. Make it look like a real function. It used to work well, and since i made some modifications on my map - and i don't know what because i did some one day and others an another day, and no way to remember what i've done - i have an error message.

Just want to know you more 3ICE.

Maybe the name is too long. But when Xcep try to open on the campaign editor the Return of the Dragon campaign didn't try to open the Spider Queen one I can't because of errors in triggers which I believe it's protection. There are emulators for every os today. Notice how it says: People who read tutorials on how to protect maps are not yet ready for unprotecting them.

How about version 3. Warceaft working on a fixed version of the map as we speak.

I don't really know the warcraft scripts either, such as the call, destroy, and so on. Your help is very appreciated 3ICE. There might also be other problems with it. So i have to change is on my own. Turns out the way Catze created the map makes the spells pretty much useless as I am assuming the spells were heavily reliant on triggers.

Though it would benefit both zdep editor's and the players' game load times warcrat fix the other abilities too. I'm creating your character right now.

I'll be back within this week. There is a way to stop opening a map then after xdfp you can stop those pesky mpq editors. Note that there is one more thing I can try to finish the campaign… If that doesn't work, then I guess there is no other way other than unprotecting. And what advice s could you give me to greatly reduce the loading time?

warcraft xdep

darcraft Is the name the same? Hi there would you be willing too give lessons on how to unprotect certain WC3 maps qoz me and a few of my buddies love rpg maps but some times we want too use those warcrafy maps and change the models with our own balanced heroes it takes too long too make new maps everyday and we dont play on Bnet but we rather play local at our home LAN our intensions are not too rig the games and or copy or beter on them or post them but just change them for our own enjoyment please email me at removed TY….

Prevents map rigging and displays a "This map is protected" message instead of your triggers.

warcraft xdep

I don't play WoW. But if you want to deprotect your map, go to http: I am still not sure which 2 files you are exactly xdpe to. Sorry for double post, but I accidentally pressed submit before I wanted to lol. Bots harvest these with ruthless efficiency.

RaidonGodSep 3, So, I followed the instructions and it didn't work.

Anti Xdep | The Helper

You're like a consultant for me. Deprotecting a protected map is just wrong. This Chinese map can't play Posted:

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